Pic shows: Moment Porsche skidded off a road and somersaulted in the air before landing on its roof.
A speeding Porshe owner had a terrifying brush with death when his car skidded off a road and somersaulted in the air before landing on its roof.
Amazingly, the 30-year-old driver and his 25-year-old woman passenger were pulled alive from the wreckage just suffering from concussion and soft tissue damage.
The almost catastrophic accident happened in the City of Novosibirsk in Southcentral Russia's Novosibirsk Oblast.
Rescuers were stunned when they realized the occupants were still alive after the car was completely wrecked in the crash.
Police said that the driver lost control of the Cayman on a slippery section of Ippodromskaya Street in the Siberian city, the third largest in Russia, and hit a concrete post which shot the car up in the air and over on its roof.
Dramatic CCTV pictures show the incredible smash happening second by second.
Firefighters worried about the risk of fire washed the car’s fuel away as it spilled out over the road, while others went to help the stunned driver and passenger who were hanging upside down in the sports car.
Firemen had to cut the passenger’s seat belt to get her out of the vehicle.
Traffic police said the driver was suffering from concussion and cuts to the head and his passenger had concussion and an injured right forearm.
A spokesman said: "They were very lucky because the car was totally wrecked. Fortunately they were also both wearing seatbelts."
Pictures of the crash and video of the crash have been trending on social media dubbed the "Epic Flight of the Porsche Cayman"
نجا ركاب سيارة فاخرة من طرار بورش من الموت بعد تعرضها لحادث مروع جراء ارتطامها بحاجز اسمنتي على احد الطرق في سيبيريا بروسيا الاتحادية مما أدى الى طيرانها في الهواء ثم سقوطها على الأرض لتتحطم بالكامل.
وبحسب صحيفة (ديلي ميل) فقد دهش رجال الانقاذ عند اكتشافهم أن السائق الذي يبلغ من العمر 30 عاما والراكبة التي كانت بجانبه لم يصابا غير بسحجات بسيطة بعد هذا الحادث العنيف.
ونقلت الصحيفة عن رجال الشرطة القول أن سبب الحادث يعود لفقدان سائق السيارة السيطرة عليها خلال سيره بسرعة كبيرة في طريق زلق، واضطر رجال الاطفاء لقطع حزام المقعد لانقاذ الراكبة لاخراجها من السيارة المحطمة.