Pic shows: Screengrab of post added by the mother on Facebook with child smoking.
The hunt is on to track down a mother who was found to be posting pictures she thought were funny of her son boozing and smoking drugs.
The images which are slightly pixelated have gone viral in Argentina where online users urging others to help track down the woman, and reporter for child abuse.
She first posted the pictures of her son drinking a bottle of cider in January and left the images there for some time. Alongside the images she wrote: "That look how he drinks". Her contacts then reply with joking comments and one even shared the publication.
Later the woman posted a fresh set of pictures on 15 June showing the same child this time smoking a cigarette, which on the face of it appears to be a joint.
This time round however there was a storm of protest that resulted in the woman's page being bombarded with hate messages, and she rushed to take them down only a few hours after they had been posted.
But it was too late because copies of the images had already been made and shared, with people demanding to know who she was so that she could be reported to the police and punished.
In the meanwhile they have gone viral in Argentina despite the woman's attempts to have them deleted, pointing out that child protection officials have said they would only act when they had a name for the child and his mother.
أثارت صور نشرتها والدة أرجنتينيّة لطفلها موجة من الانتقادات على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بعد أن ظهر الطفل فيها وهو يدخّن السجائر ويحتسي الكحول.
وذكرت صحيفة الدايلي ميل البريطانيّة أنّ الوالدة في الصور التي نشرتها على حسابها الخاص على فيس بوك في كانون الثاني الماضي أرغمت طفلها على احتساء الكحول مباشرة من الزجاجة ، بحسب شبكة نورت.
وعلّقت على الصور بالقول “انظروا إلى ابني وهو يشرب الكحول”. [ads3]
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