Pic shows: Doctors saved a mans severed hand by attaching it to his leg
Doctors performed an extraordinary operation to save a mans severed hand by attaching it to his leg.
A month later they successfully grafted it back onto the factory workers arm after the nerves and tendons had healed from the trauma.
The rare operation was performed at a hospital in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province in central China.
It happened after worker Zhou had his left hand chopped off during a work accident involving a spinning blade machine.
He was rushed to the Xiangya Hospital in Changsha where doctors assessed his situation.
Doctor Tang Juyu, head of microsurgery at the hospital, decided he could give Zhou a chance to "revive" his lost hand - with an operation he and his team had already successfully performed once in 2013 under similar circumstances.
Because both Zhous arm and severed hand were badly wounded following the accident, doctors were unable to attach it right away, opting instead to allow the nerves and tendons to heal with time.
This meant Doctor Tang and his team decided to graft Zhous left hand to his right ankle.
Doctor Tang explained: "Under normal temperatures, a severed finger needs to resume blood supply within 10 hours, but that time is even shorter for a separated limb.
"If a limb is short of blood for too long, its tissues die and it will be unsalvageable."
Mr Zhous hand was kept "alive" and left to heal while attached to his ankle for a period of more than one month.
Then Doctor Tang and his team successfully reattached it to his arm in a 10-hour surgery.
According to the Doctor Tang, Zhou is now able to slightly move his fingers, but he will still need much rehabilitation before regaining full function.
ظلت يد صيني ملتصقة في كاحل قدمه لمدة شهر كامل لإنقاذها بدلاً من بترها نهائياً وتركيب يد اصطناعية، إلى أن خضع لإجراء عملية جراحية دقيقة استغرقت 10 ساعات، نجحت في فصلهما عن بعضهما البعض بسلام.
وبذل أطباء مستشفى في تشانغشا بمقاطعة هونان الصينية أقصى جهدهم خلال العملية لإنجاحها وفصل يد الرجل المقطوعة الملتصقة بكاحل قدمه الأيمن وإعادتها إلى الرسغ مرة أخرى بعد علاجها، بحسب صحيفة دايلي ميل البريطانية.
وفي التفاصيل، تعرض هذا العامل الصيني “زوهو” إلى حادثة في معمل غزل يعمل فيه، ما أدى إلى قطع يده اليسرى من آلة غزل حادة، توجه إثرها إلى المستشفى، وكان ذلك في عام 2013، وقرر الجراحون آنذاك بدلاً من بتر يده اليسرى نهائياً، ربطها في كاحل قدمه اليمنى لأكثر من شهر، لاستعادة الخلايا والأعصاب الموجودة في اليد وظائفها مرة مع مرور الوقت ، بحسب شبكة ” 24 ” الإماراتية.
وبعد شفاء اليد اليسرى تماماً، خضع الصيني زوهو إلى عملية جراحية دقيقة أخيراً، وإعادة يده اليسرى إلى مكانها مرة أخرى، وتمكن زوهو من تحريك أصابعه مرة أخرى لكن تدريجياً.